The legislative session in Utah is only 45 days long, but it feels like we're on the television show "Lost" trying to figure out how to get off the island, and there is just no end. I wake up each morning with what Brittany, Steve, and I have termed the "legislative hangover" which consists of 4-5 hours of sleep per night, a nauseating headache that is only made worse by looking at those facebook ads of babies with four eyes, and trying to figure out how a vote at 10 a.m. could end up at 4 p.m. And please...PLEASE don't call me on my cell phone. My monthly bill last month rivaled our car payment. My children have started calling me "grandma" (the one who lives in Idaho) because they see me just about as often. We have March 12 circled on our calendars. I've even doodled fireworks on that day. If it passes, we can celebrate. If it fails, our legislative hangovers will live on. Godspeed!*
So in the middle of all this, I've been made aware of some exciting news. My book, A Child's Journey out of Autism, is now available in bookstores! I also have a couple of events coming up, so please mark them on your calendars. I would be thrilled to see you there!
Oneida Public Library (Malad City); 31 N. 100, Malad, ID 83252 - Wednesday, April 8th, 7:00 PM
*My experience with Clay's Law has been a fulfilling, tremendously rewarding experience. This is another blog entry (even book) that will be meant to inspire. It's opened up an entirely new world where I have been able to experience love, loss, laughter, and hopefully an eventual victory.